What Is a Right-Hand Buddy?

If you’re lucky, you have that one person in your life who fills a position of great trust when carrying out the deeds that reflect your best accomplishments.

In the last year or two of the Sacramento Jazz Cooperative(SJC) existence, I was fortunate to find that person: Carol Manson.

Perhaps you’ve heard that if you want to get things done as you want in the shortest time, do it yourself. But if you want a long-term endeavor, build a team. Carol was certainly among that group. Joining the team in 2019, she assumed the roles of vice president of the board, Chief Operating Officer, and treasurer of the nonprofit.

Recently, I took advantage of Georgia’s peach season to share my Pull-Apart Peach Bread recipe online (Photo on the left). However, some of you mentioned that the recipe was too complicated to prepare.

While I may disagree with this bread’s difficulty level, Carol returned to the rescue with her Easy Peach Cobbler recipe (Photo on the right). I prepared the cobbler, and I can attest that it is delicious and will be my go-to recipe.

See both recipes at Pull-Apart Peach Bread – Carolyne Lark Swayze (carolyneswayze.com) and Easy Peach Cobbler – Carolyne Lark Swayze (carolyneswayze.com)